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Results 8

Article Administration tips in Tiki (Video Tutorial) My name is Bernard Sfez and I’m a Tiki specialist . In this Tiki Express tutorial I'll give you the maximum tips I can about
Article Banners feature in Tiki In this video I’ll show you; How to enable the banners feature in Tiki How to set up a simple banner on a page I’ll show you where are the banners stats for admins and use
Article Contact Management in Tiki using Trackers In this Tiki Express Tutorial about Tiki , the Trackers , we’ll create a main tracker and we'll link 2 trackers together. I’ll show you how to use
Article File Galleries feature in Tiki (Video Tutorial) My name is Bernard Sfez and I’m a Tiki specialist . In this Tiki Express tutorial I'll talk about the
Article How to Bootstrap a Tiki In this Tiki Express Tutorial will review together; The basic about theme, CSS modules, Look and Feel panel. We'll review the different ways I'll give to bootstrap a Tiki. How I do using the wi
Article The plugin List in Tiki The plugin List, a wiki plugin that can return and output data from your Trackers, File Galleries, Forums, Blog, almost anything in Tiki. In this Tiki Express tutorial we’ll review together; The T
Article Tiki and Git workflow In this video I’ll talk about: Tiki installations options How to install Git on your computer How to pull a Tiki branch from Git without all the history How to Upgrade, how to check status, etc.
Article Trackers Feature in #Tiki In this Tiki Express Tutorial I’ll talk about one of main the feature in Tiki , the Trackers . I’ll explain what is the Trackers feature I’ll